Auglath Stonebough

Wrath of Ursoc

"Respect the wild."

Basic Information

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The Cenarion Circle | Dream Wardens
Druid of the Claw
Druidism | Ursoc | Elunism
Mated (Sylenae Thistleglade)

310 lbs
Dark Teal


A being of primeval stature, Auglath stands nigh above all that are near at a mighty 8'2", ancient of days like the great oaks of eld. His dark teal hair is wild and long, woven with leaves of autumn and talismans in equal measure. A thick browed visage is marked with an unkempt beard and starlit eyes of golden hue, a rugged bearing that seems to carry a wisdom beneath it. Kaldorei markings of the wild adorn his features, and otherwise he is marked by scars of some bestial nature. His countenance is fierce, and rife with sagacity, however forbidding he may appear beneath his gaze.
The druid is garbed in regalia of the verdant wilds, and else of leathers and fur that betray his totemic allegiance. A heavy mantle of bearish hides frames his broad shoulders, and his visage is shrouded nigh always beneath an ursine headdress. Leaves and oaken roots atop twilight leaves sheathes his chest, grown forth from a runic stone of a druidic cairn. Thick wraps of cloth and leather cover his forearms, and heavy boots made from thick bear-hide claws carry his footsteps. Around his neck he wears a bear talisman carved of elder wood and a bear claw amulet, which hang so upon leather cords adorned with beads.Across his back rests a staff of ancient and powerful purpose, a druidic implement borne from the wood of an elder ashwood tree. Telperion is its name, and its oaken haft weaves roots that bind its wooden crescent, carved so with druidic symbols. Moonstones are held aloft upon each end, radiant beneath the sacred boughs, and from it so grows leaves and flowers of earthen autumn. There is a verdant truth about the staff, and it carries with it a memory of ancient days.Beneath that which is his regalia, tattoos decorate his arms and torso, a vine-like pattern of the wilds, evoking so remembrance of the primeval forests of eld. Scars in abundance further mark his form, remnants of battles beneath bough and upon winding root, each a storied remembrance of a duty held utmost upon the verdant paths and sacred forests. His is a mighty presence, and one that evokes so the thrums of the wildsong.

Gruff, implacable, and wild, Auglath is a man marked by the primordial wilderness and the duties of druidism in equal measure. His words are few and his temperament ursine, and what lies beneath his secretive bearing is not easily known. Every action is taken with purpose, and his footsteps bring tidings both of nature's gentle caress and its unbridled fury.
It is guardianship of the wilds for which his soul burns most fervently, and he upholds that duty with a fierce and unwavering determination. No slight to the wild word is gone unnoticed and no despoiler is left unpunished. He is an unapologetic force of nature when reckoned with, and his impenetrable exterior masks a wrath that shakes the very earth beneath his feet.The elder druid walks often the careful balance of nature - one aspect a nurturing hand to those who seek his guidance and another the vengeful hand of nature's outrage. Rarely does he make his motives known, however true-hearted they may be. Rarer still does he give his loyalty, but once won, there is naught that can shatter it.


  • Kaldorei Physicality - As all Kaldorei, Auglath is possessed of a deft endurance and deadly agility. He can move without sound or sight, and no shadow is a stranger. His sight is keen, and his sense of smell the selfsame. He is one with the forest, and moves within as any native beast.

  • Strength - Auglath is possessed of a great strength, a raw and primal might. Perhaps some gift of Ursoc, or from nature itself, he holds ursine might even when not in the sacred form. He is able to wrestle great bears and other mighty beasts into submission and to split trees with nothing but his bare hands.

  • Mighty Combatant - Auglath is a fierce and mighty foe to face in combat, bearing down into battle in the ursine form. He rends foes with tooth and claw, and bids root and vine to crash down upon them. Even beyond his ursine form, he is a savage foe, wielding ancient druidic martial techniques and his raw physical prowess.

  • Druidic Magics - Having walked the earth since the days of eld, Auglath is a druid of exceptional power. Among the first to learn from Cenarius and Malfurion in the forests of the old world, the elder druid's command over the magics of Life and the sacred forms is masterful. Where some druids are known for their command of sky and storm, it is earth and oaken root that listens when he calls.

  • Wrath of Ursoc - Auglath carries within him a rage that can shake the very earth beneath his feet, a fearsome and primeval fury when unleashed. His is the outrage of nature, the anger of a world lost, and the wrath that a Wild God once roared. Yet, it is not an unbridled fury, but one that is deliberate and directed, woe to any that find it upon them.

  • Indomitable Will - Auglath was born with a fierce strength of will and possesses a determination that is nigh unstoppable. He is able to press on when others might not, and withstand the detriments of physical and mental strain.

  • Survival Skills - Raised in the wilds of Val'sharah and a wilding at heart, Auglath has no shortage of survival skills. He is a skilled hunter and tracker, and knows the ways of herb-craft. He is adept at surviving in the harsh biomes, from the deepest thickets to vast forests, and carries great kinship with bears.

RP Hooks

  • He was born thousands of years ago, long before the Sundering in the ancient forest and druidic homeland of Val'sharah.

  • Of forest-folk, he was one of the early students of druidism, and fought alongside his people in the War of the Ancients as part of the Kaldorei Resistance.

  • He pledged himself to the druidic sect Druids of the Claw and has been a member of the Cenarion Circle since its founding.

  • He awoke alongside the other druids to combat the Burning Legion’s second invasion and fought in the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

  • He is an Archdruid of considerable power and many a druid have known him as shan'do.

  • He possesses a great kinship with wild bears and they know him in the tongue of beasts as 'bear-friend'.

  • Many rumors abound that in the deepest forests there is a great ursine beast, protecting nature from those who would despoil its verdant glamour.


Hello! Thanks for giving my profile a read!I'm almost always up for some RP - even out in the wild! I'm a pretty friendly player, and though Auglath may seem gruff and unapproachable at first, he is friendly once you get to know him! New friends and contacts are awesome, and don't be afraid to approach me for RP. If you want to RP, but are too shy to initiate, let me know and I'll make it happen.I enjoy all sorts of RP, but I very much enjoy character-driven stories and establishing long-term bonds with other characters! I'm open to all sorts of contacts - old friends, rivals, family, fellow Kaldorei or druids, and whatever else.That all said, I'm not a fan of godmoding or harm coming to Auglath without my consent, and I'm not so much into random combat. While I'm always up for long-term RP and connections, please know that I highly value IC =/= OOC - and would prefer those I RP with to understand that line, as well.